Monday, December 30, 2013

Seeing out the year in style!

Still looking for something fabulous to wear tomorrow night to see in the new year? Well fret not my friends. At the Hidden Jewel  we have the perfect answer for your predicament! We're ending the year with a bang...for one day only get 40% off all apparel (excludes consignment), 40% off all boots from Bronx, and 40% off all boots from Diba!
We need to make room for new Spring lines, and you need beautiful things to wear. It's the perfect solution!
We're open until 6pm tomorrow so be sure to come and see us.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!

So I've been a bad blogger recently and have been neglecting this page. Which makes me feel bad... So In a bid to show it a bit more love, here's details of today's promo!
We're feeling extra Christmassy today, and in the spirit of the season we've added extras goodies to our promo today. 24% off all boots from Bronx and Diba, 24% off all leather jackets from Stillman Studio and 24% off all outerwear from Vertigo Paris. 

Even when we sell these at full price they're the best prices I have found (and trust me, I've spent a long time searching to compare prices), so with an additional 24% off I'm struggling to find any reason to not buy today!We're closing at 6pm today so we can get home to our families, so hurry in to make the most of these fantastic deals!From all of us here at the Hidden Jewel, thank you for a wonderful first month-and-a-bit of business, and have a fantastic Christmas filled with wonder and joy! Normal service resumes December 26th at 11am. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chomping at the bit...

The good news: the store is looking amazing and we're so excited to be able to show it (and all the wonderful trinkets and treasures inside) off to everyone. The bad news: we still don't have the keys. It's been a week of frustrations, and we're so disappointed to have to push back our opening. Sadly, at this point things are beyond our control. While we're waiting, not too patiently I might add, to get our sticky little paws on our premises we are still working hard to get everything shipshape and ready for launch. We're getting to grips with our computer system, planning lots of fun things, readying our stock and expanding our online presence. If you want to keep up-to-date with The Hidden Jewel's latest news be sure to follow us. We're on facebooktwitter and pinterest. So join us online and get to know us, then meet us like old friends once we're open!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Making Our Presence Known...

If you've driven along Shrewsbury Street in Worcester recently, then the chances are that you've seen the developments at the old Buick dealership at Number 72. We're pretty excited for these changes, because along with the Italian eatery Volturno, delicious cupcakes from the future home of Sweet, and the offices of Worcester Magazine, this beautifully restored former car dealership (and apparently also a former speakeasy...) is home to The Hidden Jewel. 

That's our door...

Ok, so the store might still be a construction site on the inside, but it's beginning to take shape and we're so stoked to open next month. And we might just have to pop round to the neighbours' for something yummy to eat!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Who we are and what we do.

Welcome to The Hidden Jewel! We're a new fashion boutique coming soon to Shrewsbury Street in Worcester, MA. We aim to become your go-to destination for accessories, gifts and more. Whether you're searching for a unique piece to complete your ensemble, the perfect gift for someone special, a fabulous pre-loved piece or just have a compulsion to find and adore beautiful trinkets (like us!) then we're the place to be. From the everyday to the extraordinary, we have someone for everyone. 
We come from very different backgrounds but found ourselves in retail, in the same place at the same time. We saw things we liked and things we didn't, and we're setting out to include the best and exclude the worst. We know style isn't one-size-fits-all, and neither should customer service be. 
Right now, the store is still a construction zone, but things are moving quickly and we're really excited to be finished and plan to open by the end of October 2013. In the mean time, follow us on twitter @hiddenjewelworc,  and come and play with us on Pinterest. We'll be on Facebook soon, too. We have an exciting online marketplace coming soon too, but more on that another time.
At the moment we're only a fledgling business, just finding our wings, but give us time and we're going to soar, and we'd love for you to come along and fly with us!